Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lawyers Are a Dime a Dozen...Aren't They?

One of the biggest differences between a "small" divorce case and one involving high profiles and millions of dollars is the number of attorneys each party requires to adequately represent the many issues involved in the case. A-Rod's divorce is no exception and his "dream team" has new members: Alan Kluger and Jason Marks.

The reason a party to a divorce would require more than one attorney is because different attorneys have varying specialties; when children, millions of dollars and other assets are involved, you want the best of the best! Mrs. A-Rod's team of lawyers includes two Texas based attorneys, since that is where A-Rod signed a $250 million contract with the Texas Rangers.

Celebrity divorces garner a lot of attention and therefore create much publicity for the attorneys who handle their cases. Obviously, Hollywood couples have a tendency toward intense romances culminating in marriages that are as short-lived as their weddings are extravagant. Celebrity powerhouses pay top dollar for representation that will keep their children at home with them and as much of their money in their pockets as possible. They certainly don't want to end up on Forbes' next list of Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces.
Madonna is said to have contacted Fiona Shackleton, one of Britain's premier divorce attorneys (or are they called 'barristers' there?), who represented Sir Paul McCartney in his recent divorce. Uh, you might want to rethink that, Madge, they're number 6 on Forbes' list and McCartney has to fork over $60 million!! Laura Wasser has represented the likes of Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Nick Lachey and Stevie Wonder. (Stevie Wonder's divorced??? Who would want to divorce Stevie Wonder? Hope she didn't rob him blind -- Haha!)

The point is despite the thousands of attorneys throughout the country, it does matter who you choose to represent your interests. The ABA lists more than 400,000 active and resident attorneys as of 2007. Fortunately, there is a plethora of resources to help you find the best one for you, whether you're a celebrity or not.

Tomorrow: What about the children?

Tune in same blog time; same blog channel.

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